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For my this biography unit I decided to pick Helen Keller. She's been a inspiration of mine since I was 8 years old when I read her auto biography. She faced the odds and that to me specks about how incredible a women she is inside. Helen faced what most people wouldn't be able to handle and that's just amazing. 


Herself within 

Eyes and ears

Left in the dark 

Everything changing her path 

No it was never easy 


Killed from within 

Escaped from a not so simple life 

Loved with all her heart 

Lost everything from birth 

Ever in our hearts 

Rich with beauty 





For Helen Keller her life was never easy , aspecially when she was tasked with communicating when her fellow peers or her parents. When she would try and communicate she'd get very fustrated so to help with communication and understanding her world , her parents brought in a teacher by the name of Anna Sullivian. She soon learned how to communicate with hand generates and my reading people lips. And, no when I say reading peoples lips she was also blind so its not how you think someone would read lips. She would genertally place her figure on the voice box or on the sides of the person she wished to speck with face. Then by the vibration of the words she could understand what they where trying to say to her. So for this assignment I really had to think of how she would communicate. I decide to do a monolgue instead of a diolgue. 




My mom sat me down on our softest couch indicating that there was someone here to see me.


It always angered me when someone came to me and tried talking to me. Thinking that they would be the person that would change my life. That they would magically give me my voice back.


I was tired of all the people that supposedly knew more about me then I did.


All I could think when I was placed in front of her was she smelled like raspberries . She smelled like home.


I never knew someone to come help me and stay longer than 3 minutes.


I mentally kept track counting my way to 60 over and over again to see if she would be different.


Suddenly I felt a cold hand being placed across mine and intensely backed up as far as I could while still maintaining my full body on the small couch.


I always wondered what people thought when they met me. Where they scared , or just disgusted with the fact that I was different.


I continued to back up as much as I could to make sure the stranger before wouldn't try and touched me . Failing extremely because of the small length that the couch offered . But as much as I tried it really didn't help because she placed another hand on me and held me in place.


It wasn't the first time I didn't feel in control of a situation and I never liked it. Control was the only thing I had left. If that was gone what did I really have left. 



Most of my research was done with my book. My book was very helpful 

My presentation about hellen kellers sign language 

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